Nanokomik is an interdisciplinary project and has a team of people with different profiles and professional careers.
Original idea, general coordination and communication:
- Itziar Otegui (nanoGUNE): Itziar is responsible of communication and dissemination of the Basque nanoscience and nanotechnology research center CIC nanoGUNE since 2012. She graduated in communication and worked as a project manager and communication manager in several public and private organizations, after which specialized in scientific communication. Itziar is behind the creation of the nanoKOMIK project.
- Amaia Arregi (DIPC): She has been a communication and dissemination technician at the Donostia International Physics Center since 2013. She has a degree in physics and a PhD in Materials Science and Industrial Engineering from the University of Trento. She worked as a researcher at Ikerlan before joining the DIPC communication team. Amaia is behind the creation of the nanoKOMIK project.
Department of Science:
- Ricardo Diez Muiño (DIPC): He is a Doctor in Physical Sciences and Director of the Donostia International Physics Center (DIPC) since 2013.
- Jon Ander Arregi (Brno University of Technology, Czech Republic): He has the bachelor in Physics from the University of the Basque Country and master in nanoscience. Currently working at the Technological University of Brno.
Art Department:
- José Carlos Torre (Artebizi): Comic cartoonist, Bachelor of Fine Arts and Doctorate in Art Creation.
- Hodei Iparraguirre (freelance): Comic cartoonist and illustrator, graduate in Fine Arts.
Local support:
- Jordi Díaz (University of Barcelona): Associate Researcher of the UB. Doctor in Chemistry.